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Hammouda Pacha

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Ibn Abi Dhiaf, Présent des hommes de notre temps. Chroniques des rois de Tunis et du pacte fondamental, vol. II, éd. Maison tunisienne de l'édition, Tunis, 1990, p. 42

Hammuda Pasha Bey , died 1666 was the second Bey of the Tunisian Muradid dynasty. He reigned from 1631 until his death. Son of Murad I Bey and an odalisque named Yasmine, both from Corsica, Hammuda was striking for his quality as much as his liberality and concern for his people. Amid his rule, he driven numerous undertakings against protester tribes within the northwest and south of the country in arrange to preserve arrange and security. In 1637, Hammuda organized the decision of Usta Murad as Dey, commander of the Hassock military in Tunis. Usta Murad, a companion of his father, was an ancient corsair, who European sources claim had captured around 900 ships and more than 20,000 detainees to be sold as slaves at showcase in Tunis. He obtained from the consequent Dey, Ahmed Khodja Dey the proper to a constrain of nearly 600 footmen drawn from the sipahis to serve as a bodyguard; their command was ensured to the agha of the sipahis. In expansion, in his rule the island of Djerba, which had a place to the pasha of Tripoli was absolutely added by Tunis, in spite of the fact that this was in huge portion the result of Yusuf Dey's diplomatic efforts.

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