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Cissé Amed Ama

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Cissé Amed Ama is a Burkini Cheikh born in 1918, in a town near Bani, Burkina Faso. 

At the age of ten, he ran away from home and spent 40 years praying in the forest, returning only to see his wife and family.

A vision Cissé Amed Ama had in 1972 instructed him to erect seven mosques made of mud bricks on the Bani cliff.

He returned to his hometown a year later and shared his concept with the locals. Soon after, he persuaded other people to accompany him to Bani, where he made a permanent home there in 1973.

Cissé Amed Ama made the incredible decision to go on a journey to Mecca on foot in 1975. He gained a significant reputation as a result of this performance and became recognized as a prophet.

He was the builder and designer of the seven mosques in Bani.

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